March 2024

Karen Vines
Clinic Manager
Susquehanna River Valley Dental Health Clinic

What originally sparked your interest in oral health?

My interest was sparked by the lack of care available for low-income patients.

How did you become involved with PCOH?

I became involved through the SUN (Snyder, Union, and Northumberland counties) Smiles Program.

What is the most challenging part of your work in oral health?

It is challenging trying to make ends meet as a nonprofit that relies on Medicaid fees and community donations. Staffing is also an issue.

If you could see one oral health goal reached, what would it be?

I would want to see more providers in our rural area and an increase in Medicaid reimbursement rates.

What keeps you motivated?

I keep motivated by providing high quality dental care to patients who would not have a place to seek dental care, even if they are in pain.

I recharge by:

I recharge by speaking with grateful patients who we are able to help get out of pain or restore their smiles!

Thank you to Karen Vines for contributing to the oral health movement! 

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