Community Water Fluoridation
About Community Water Fluoridation
For 80 years, community water fluoridation (CWF) has been widely recognized as a safe and effective public health intervention to prevent tooth decay. Fluoride inhibits the breakdown of enamel and enhances its resistance to tooth decay. Communities across the United States, and worldwide, adjust the fluoride concentration in their public water supply to the optimal level of 0.7 ppm for tooth decay prevention as recommended by the U.S. Public Health Service.
Focusing on prevention is important for individuals to avoid oral disease. The point of CWF is to reach those individuals that do not regularly visit a physician or dental provider or those that do not have access to supplements or preventive treatments. CWF is a safe and effective public health practice to provide the benefits of fluoride to all residents regardless of income, insurance status, and ability to access oral health care. Every major public health and medical organization, and over 2000 studies and peer-reviewed papers, support the benefits and safety of CWF in preventing tooth decay. This includes the American Dental Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the past five U.S. Surgeon Generals.
PCOH strongly supports community water fluoridation as a safe, cost effective, and proven practice that promotes good oral health within our communities.
PCOH is proud to be the Pennsylvania affiliate of the American Fluoridation Society.
PCOH recently sent a new resource to stakeholders, “Let’s Talk About Water Fluoridation…” This resource is intended to help users navigate difficult conversations about recent fluoridation headlines. It is important for all of us to emphasize the evidence-based science and effectiveness of water fluoridation in preventing cavities and improving oral health.
In the Fight Against Tooth Decay: May the Fluoride Be With You!Fluoride Resources
Protect Fluoride in Pennsylvania
Interested in advocating for community water fluoridation in your community? Contact [email protected] to learn more about advocating and joining the Community Water Fluoridation Workgroup.
Have you heard rumblings about initiating or discontinuing community water fluoridation in your community? The Statewide Water Action Team (SWAT) wants to hear from you! As a trusted supporter of community water fluoridation, we ask you to be a SWAT member to protect water fluoridation in Pennsylvania. We know we can count on you to assist us in looking out for potential threats to water fluoridation to keep fluoride in Pennsylvania.