




Resource Category
The Effective Dentist: Motivational Interviewing Demonstration
Note: Runtime 8:12 min
The Ineffective Dentist: Non-Motivational Approach
Note: Runtime 6:30 min
Tobacco Cessation In Dental Settings
Note: 5 As Approach – Runtime 7:21 min
Motivational Interviewing in Dental Practice Addressing Tobacco Use with David
Note: Runtime 4 min
Duquesne University – Tobacco Treatment Specialist
Note: Certification for interdisciplinary healthcare professionals in in-depth tobacco/nicotine cessation
Department of Human Services: Medical Assistance Program Dental Fee Schedule
Note: Updated Fee Schedule – August, 2019 – D1320 inclusion for cessation reimbursement
Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: Clinical Practice Guidelines
Note: Evidence-based, best practice guidelines that serve as the basis for the 5 As Model for Treating Tobacco & Dependence
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