June 2024

Smiling man in a suit and tie
Dr. Shahram (Sean) Shamloo
Chief Dental Officer
Pennsylvania Department of Human Services

What originally sparked your interest in oral health?

As a dentist, I realized early on that it is not just about fixing teeth but rather addressing the oral health of the patient.

How did you become involved with PCOH?

As the Chief Dental Officer of the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS), I consider myself a partner of PCOH as we strive to make accessible oral health care a reality for all Pennsylvanians.

What is the most challenging part of your work in oral health?

Making sure the specific needs of the Medical Assistance (MA) program recipients are taken into consideration for policy recommendations.

If you could see one oral health goal reached, what would it be?

For every member of the MA program to have accessible, equitable, and quality dental care.

What keeps you motivated?

The level of dedication I see internally at DHS and among external stakeholders when it comes to addressing access to care issues.

I recharge by:

Spending time with family and friends, walking in nature, reading for leisure, and dining out.

Thank you to Dr. Shahram (Sean) Shamloo for contributing to the oral health movement! 

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