May 2024

Susan Gage
Executive Director
Northcentral PA AHEC (NC PA AHEC)

What originally sparked your interest in oral health?

I was working on rural primary care issues with NC PA AHEC and it was discussed under which grants oral health care counted as primary care.

How did you become involved with PCOH?

I believe I became involved through a NC PA AHEC Oral Health Conference.

What is the most challenging part of your work in oral health?

Patience, change is slow.

If you could see one oral health goal reached, what would it be?

I would like to see statewide oral health insurance for Pennsylvania’s children. In Pennsylvania, access to preventive and orthodontic oral healthcare remains inequitable for many children, particularly those whose parents are lacking employer-sponsored dental insurance or have a high socioeconomic need.   While CHIP helps a few of those with high socioeconomic need, there are certainly access issues.

What keeps you motivated?

Collaborations, it helps move solutions to issues forward.

I recharge by:

Creating trying different art projects, anything from photography to stained glass.

Thank you to Susan Gage for contributing to the oral health movement! 

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