Request Materials
All materials are available to download for free. Please consider making a donation to support the printing and shipping fees of printed materials. Please allow 2-3 weeks for printed materials.
Fluoride Supply

Statewide Water Action Team Sticker
Water bottle stickers to remind PA residents to contact PCOH if they hear any local news or receive notification about water fluoridation from their water supplier.

Your Guide to Dental Care After Water Fluoridation Ends
Guide for community members and providers to use after fluoride is removed from the public water supply.

Water Operator Thank You Campaign
Instruction page and blank thank you note for community members to send a thank you note to their community water systems for delivering safe drinking water. Community members are asked to complete this form along with this order to provide more information:

Statewide Water Action Team Letter
Letter giving information about the PCOH Statewide Water Action Team (SWAT) and how individuals can help protect fluoride in PA.

Statewide Water Action Team Magnet
Magnets to remind PA residents to contact PCOH if they hear any local news or receive notification about water fluoridation from their water supplier.

How Community Water Fluoridation Prevents Tooth Decay Posters
10×13 infographic explains how community water fluoridation prevents tooth decay for children and people of all ages.

How Community Water Fluoridation Prevents Tooth Decay Half Sheet
Half sheet infographic explains how community water fluoridation prevents tooth decay for children and people of all ages.

Communities Benefit from Water Fluoridation
One page infographic outlining the community benefits of water fluoridation.

All About Fluoride
Informational resource created by the American Dental Association for dental providers and advocates about community water fluoridation.

Facts About Fluoride
One page infographic with facts about community water fluoridation.
Oral Health (General)

A Guide to Packing a Healthy Lunch
Rack card with suggested swaps for packing a healthy lunch for children.

Information and Updates to Your Medicaid Dental Benefits – Spanish
Trifold brochure detailing 2024 changes to Medicaid dental coverage in PA translated to Spanish.

Information and Updates to Your Medicaid Dental Benefits – English
Trifold brochure detailing 2024 changes to Medicaid dental coverage in PA.

A New Look on Enrollment as a Medicaid Provider
Trifold brochure detailing why providers should accept Medicaid and how to enroll.

Oral Health Care Tips for Older Adults
Resource with tips for oral health care for older adults including the importance of regular dental care and dental access.

Oral Care for Long Term Care Residents
Tri-fold brochure with tips providers need to know for treating adults in long-term care facilities. Topics include dry mouth, denture care and gum disease

Finding Dental Care in PA (Spanish)
Two page document summarizing the different resources one can explore and contact when seeking dental care translated into Spanish.

Finding Dental Care in PA
Two page document summarizing the different resources one can explore and contact when seeking dental care.

It’s All Connected
Resource explaining how oral health influences other aspects of health and vice versa. Second page includes keys to good oral health.

Why Does Oral Health Matter?
Community Catalyst discusses the benefits of good oral health and the consequences of dental disease in relation to age, racial and economic justice, children, and families.

Pennsylvania Expanded Function Dental Assisting Programs
List of the expanded function dental assisting programs in Pennsylvania with contact information. Note this list is updated frequently.

Pennsylvania Dental Assisting Programs
List of the known dental assisting programs in Pennsylvania with contact information. Note this list is updated frequently.

Dental Careers Brochure
Brochure for students outlining reasons to choose dental careers, and what they can start doing now to prepare for a career in dental.

Pennsylvania Dental and Dental Hygiene Schools
List of the dental and dental hygiene schools in Pennsylvania with contact information.

Clinical Dental Careers Pathway
Resource provides dental career options with annual income, required education, and more.
Children's Health

A Guide to Packing a Healthy Lunch
Rack card with suggested swaps for packing a healthy lunch for children.

Watoto Wanywe Nini? (What Should Kids Drink – Swahili)
One page resource detailing the appropriate amounts of water, milk, and juice children should be drinking at different ages translated into Swahili.

¿Què Deberìan de Beber los Niños? (What Should Kids Drink – Spanish)
One page resource detailing the appropriate amounts of water, milk, and juice children should be drinking at different ages translated into Spanish.

What Should Kids Drink?
One page resource detailing the appropriate amounts of water, milk, and juice children should be drinking at different ages.

A Student Guide to Sugary Drinks
Flyer encouraging middle school and high school students to acknowledge the amount of sugar in popular drinks and choose water when possible.

A Student Guide to Sugary Drinks Poster
11×17 poster encouraging middle school and high school students to acknowledge the amount of sugar in popular drinks and choose water when possible.

Keep Your Child Cavity Free Magnets – Spanish
3×5 Magnets with tips on keeping children cavity-free and promoting oral health.

Keep Your Child Cavity Free Magnets – English
3×5 Magnets with tips on keeping children cavity-free and promoting oral health.

Why Do Children Need Fluoride?
Infographic promoting the intake of fluoride to improve children’s oral health, Spanish version on reverse side.
Tobacco & Nicotine

Tobacco and Oral Health Brochure
Tri-fold brochure detailing why tobacco in any form is bad for your oral health. Only available printed, no pdf download.

My Life My Quit Postcards
Doubled-sided postcard advertising help for teens trying to quit tobacco use and vaping.

Tips from a Former Smoker
11×17 poster convincing smokers to quit.

Facts About Nicotine
One page resource containing PA-specific facts about nicotine-usage.

Tobacco Use and Oral Health
One page infographic with impacts of smoking, vaping, and smokeless tobacco on oral health.

My Life My Quit – Lungs
11×17 poster encouraging teens to quit vaping, smoking, or chewing.

My Life My Quit – Save Money
11×17 poster encouraging teens to quit vaping, smoking, or chewing.
HPV Prevention

Preventing Cancer at the Dentist Poster
8×11 Preventing Cancer posters provide general information on HPV-related cancers and the HPV vaccine. The posters are for use in high traffic patient areas such as the waiting room, or in patient bathrooms or operatories.

Preventing Cancer at the Dentist Brochure
This brochure provides general HPV vaccine and oropharyngeal cancer information for adults, parents, and teens.

Preventing Cancer at the Dentist: 11×17
11×17 Preventing Cancer posters provide general information on HPV-related cancers and the HPV vaccine. The posters are for use in high traffic patient areas such as the waiting room, or in patient bathrooms or operatories.

PA HPV Toolkit Guide – Patient Materials
Includes a description of materials included in the HPV toolkit.

PA HPV Dental Toolkit
Includes internal training materials on how to recommend the HPV vaccine, as well as in-office communication materials such as brochures and posters.

HPV Vaccine Reminder
Providers or receptionists should provide this reminder card to all parents of patients between the age of 9 and 14. This card works best when paired with a conversation with the provider and/or our Preventing Cancer at the Dentist! Brochure. You may also provide the card and brochure to patients who are not fully vaccinated.

HPV at the Dentist: Parent Talking Tips
Our Talking Tips pages review frequently asked questions you may hear from parents and patients. We have broken the content down by audience age.

Ask Us About Gardasil: Panel Card
For use in provider offices to start the conversation about the HPV vaccine.